Sunday, September 16, 2007

Evaluating the pay per click program

There is been a dramatic increase in the number of 'pay-per-click' advertising websites this year. They are not new to the Internet, a few years back it seemed like they were popping up everyday. Just like today, there were scams. There are accusations that the same people that made scam pay-per-click websites a few years ago, are the same people as today.

You just have to google 'surf junky' to get a mass of complaints from people reporting that their account was canceled shortly after earning $25. The reason my account was closed was an apparent 'registration problem,' they had determined my security question and answer was incorrect. As if they new my first pets name, 'Freddie' was a dishonest response on my part.

This unfair practice of business was what forced the market of these websites to close previously. It is a pity that just a few bad websites spoil the fun of making a few buck on line for everyone. One of the things I should have realized when using 'surf junky,' was the higher amount of money I was making and the ease of which one can do it. Other websites that operate a similar, but fair system offer much lower potential earnings. Which reinforces the fact that these websites will not make you rich, but merely a long-term solution to paying of your PayPal or eBay bills. A website that I came across that has tested the best on line today is;


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